Texts: Romans 8:26-39 Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52 Before worship began, I noted the editorial in this day’s Lexington Herald-Leader about God as human creation. I also commented on the theology articulated in a Christian Business directory that was left on my
Trinity Sunday Sermon: Being Human June 19, 2011
Texts: Gen. 1:1-2:4a; Psalm 8; 2 Cor. 13:11-13; Matt. 28:16-20 First a few words about the Trinity, since it is Trinity Sunday on the shared Christian liturgical calendar. To be sure, each of the readings for today is meant to point
Sermon: Carrying On The Work May 28, 2011
Texts: John 14:15-21 Our Gospel reading continues that of last Sunday, with the disciples gathered with Jesus at the Table, listening to his farewell words. The relationship between disciples and Teacher—then and now—is not to degenerate into sentimentality or a
Sermon: Greater Works Than These Easter 5, May 22, 2011
Text: John 14:1-14 The verses that we heard today, so familiar to us from their frequent use at funerals and at cemeteries, contain another one of those verses that cause modern, thoughtful Christians—exposed to other world religions, and to biographies
Sermon: How to Grow A Church May 15, 2011
Texts: Psalm 23; Acts 2:42-47 First a word about the Scripture that was NOT read this morning: the passage from John 10, and I Peter 2:19-25. The 10th chapter of John has been used and abused in so many situations
Third Sunday after Easter: In Our Midst
Text: Luke 24:13-35 The story of the revelation along the Emmaus Road at the Inn is a story of how Easter becomes local, how it comes into our midst where we live. Two relatively unknown followers of Jesus, Cleopas, and
Second Sunday in Easter: “An Imperishable Inheritance”
Texts: I Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31 Time is short this morning, which reminds me of a line from Alice in Wonderland, where at the Tea Party with the Mad Hatter and the Dormouse, with riddles abounding, she comments sighing wearily,
Easter Sunday Sermon: Go With It
Texts: Acts 10:34-4; Matthew 27:62-Matthew 28:10 I like our small quiet celebrations here in the countryside because so much of what happens in other places—with all the trumpets, with all the drama, with the huge choirs and their alleluias—all
Sermon: Water from the Well Lent 3-A, March 27, 2011
Texts: Exodus 17:1-7; Psalm 95:1-7; John 4:5-42 For our consideration and meditations this morning, we have two marvelous stories about water, that most essential material for life, and about which we should care more than we often do, taking it
Sermon: From Out of the Shadows Mar. 20, 2011
TEXTS: Gen. 12:1-4a; Ps. 121 p. 760; John 3:1-17 Of the three Scripture readings for today, we have one that points us toward our vocation, our calling, offering Abraham’s call to leave home and follow the voice of God as