Texts: Psalm 97; Rev. 22:12-21; John 17:20-26 Prayer: O God, speak in this place, in the calming of our minds and the longing of our hearts, by the words of my mouth and in the meditations of our hearts. Amen.
6th Sunday in Easter, May 9, 2010: “Moving On”
Texts: Rev. 21:10, 22-22:5; Acts 16:6-15; John 14:23-29 Prayer: O God, speak in this place, in the calming of our minds and the longing of our hearts, by the words of my mouth and in the meditations of our hearts.
Fifth Sunday in Easter: Signs of the New Paradigm
Texts: Acts 11:1-18; Rev. 21:1-6; John 13: 31-35 I used a big word this morning in my sermon title that has become fashionable amongst management gurus and even scientists in the last few years. A paradigm is a theoretical framework